Reporting : Batch Documentation Facility : Available commands : SETTING: Modify print settings : Setting print output destination
Setting print output destination
Use the PRINT subcommand to turn off the printing of a selected diagram or to override the report definition file setting for the destination of the report output.
The default is PRINT YES.
Use the PRINT NO statement is to produce a report based on a particular diagram without printing the diagram. The report specification would include the statement:
WHERE Current = T
to specify the currently displayed diagram. By specifying a diagram using the DIAGRAM command in the Doc Facility, the diagram is made “current” until the next command is issued which changes the diagram being displayed. By specifying PRINT NO the diagram remains “current” but is not printed.
The following example loads the “Library Database” diagram, without printing it, and then prints a series of reports using the loaded diagram as the current diagram. It is assumed that the report1 and report2 report specifications include the statement WHERE Current = T.
SETTING { PRINT NO } DIAGRAM "Library Database" { } SETTING { PRINT YES } REPORT "report1" { } REPORT "report2" { }
The next example would cause the selected report to be printed irrespective of the setting in the report definition file.
SETTING { PRINT YES } REPORT "report1" { }
See also
SETTING: Modify print settings