The Blueprint side of the generation process creates the variable files such as indexes, definitions files, and diagram files. During the generation process, the HTML Generator uses the blueprint files from the template path to construct some of the generated (variable) HTML. These files all relate to the production of diagrams, where each file is translated and saved using a name of the form [prefix]xxxxxxx.htm. Each include file translates to one such file for each diagram that is generated. Without these files the HTML generation fails.
The following table lists the variable files in the sample template. You can modify these files but they contain special keywords so these files must exist.
The Diagram Container include file
The Diagram title include file
The Symbols Container include file
Note The use of xxxxxxx in the following text implies the diagram ID number, which is used as part of generated file names. The Diagram Container include file (Dxxxxxxx.htm)
The Diagram include file translates directly into the Dxxxxxxx.htm files in the Publish path, following generation. These files are the main diagram (container) files, and are used as the file to jump to and from a diagram hyperlink.
The include file should only contain the body part of the HTML file, because the generator applies the title information. Generator text is in blue, and the user text in red.
<HTML> <HEADER> <TITLE> System Architect Diagram DiagramName </TITLE> </HEADER>
The include file is inserted here...
Any valid HTML can be used within the .INC file.
There are three keywords which can (any almost certainly would) be used inside the INC file. These keywords are expanded during generation.
Translates to Txxxxxxx.htm The Txxxxxxx.htm file is the diagram title file, which is constructed from the include file.
Translates to Pxxxxxxx.htm The Pxxxxxxx.htm file is the diagram picture file, which contains the hot spot map.
Translates to Axxxxxxx.htm The Axxxxxxx.htm file is an additional file, which is constructed from the include file - this allows more flexibility in the layout of diagram pages.
These keywords are anticipated to be used in a statement similar to below, where a set of frames are defined, and the constituent sub files are arranged within them: The Diagram title include file (Txxxxxxx.htm)
The Diagtitl include file translates directly into the Txxxxxxx.htm files that you will find in the Publish path, following generation. These files are the title HTML files for each diagram and can include a link to the parent diagram or home page, diagram name and diagram type.
This include file should be an entire HTML file, inclusive of all <TITLE> and <HTML> tags.
There are several keywords available for use in this include file. These are translated during generation.
Translates to Dyyyyyyy.htm or HomePageFileName, where the Dyyyyyyy.htm file is the file name of the parent diagram. If there is no parent diagram then it translates to the file name of the home page, as specified by the Publish Home Page.
Translates to the Diagram Target Name specified in the Advanced Tab Page, or to _top if there is no parent diagram.
Translates to the DiagramName.
Translates to the DiagramType.
These keywords are anticipated to be used to represent a title pane for the diagram, comprising of the title: The Symbols Container include file (Axxxxxxx.htm)
The Symbols include file translates directly into the Axxxxxxx.htm files that you will find in the Publish path, following generation. These files are the additional HTML files for each diagram and are included to allow greater flexibility for diagram layout. They are designed to be used to show the symbol information in a framed format.
The include file should only contain the body part of the HTML file, because the generator applies the title information. Generator text is in blue, and the user text in red.
<HTML> <HEADER> <TITLE> System Architect Symbols for DiagramName </TITLE> </HEADER>
The include file is inserted here...
Any valid HTML can be used within the .INC file.
There are two keywords which can (any almost certainly would) be used inside the INC file. These keywords are expanded during generation.
Translates to Ixxxxxxx.htm The Ixxxxxxx.htm file is the symbol index file for the diagram.
Translates to Sxxxxxxx.htm The Sxxxxxxx.htm file is the symbol definition file for the diagram.
These keywords are anticipated to be used in a statement similar to below, where a set of frames are defined, and the constituent subfiles are arranged within them: