Reporting : Querying the repository with 3rd-party tools : Flattener (Normalized Table Builder) : What the normalized table builder does
What the normalized table builder does
1 If the destination database does not exist it will be created.
2 The entity and relationship tables from the source database will be copied to the destination database. If the entity and relationship tables already exist in the destination database they will be dropped.
3 A new table, Property, will be created in the destination database. If this table already exists it will be dropped.
4 The Property table has four columns:
PropID - The ddid of the flattened object.
PropName - The name of the flattened property.
PropValueShort - The first 2000 characters of the property value.
PropValueFull - The complete property value.
The PropValueShort column is needed to support queries using ORDER BY and LIKE.
Each row in the Entity table will have its Properties column (memo field) broken up such that every property will have a row in the Property table.
Rows in the Entity and Property table may be linked by ddid (Entity.Id = Property.PropID).
See also
Flattener (Normalized Table Builder)