Reporting : Querying the repository with 3rd-party tools : Flattener (Normalized Table Builder) : Using the normalized table builder
Using the normalized table builder
1 Start SAEM, and then connect to the SQL Server.
2 Select the database (encyclopedia) that you want to flatten.
3 Optionally create a lookup table for the encyclopedia, to make query writing more intuitive in the flattened database. In SAEM, select Tools, Create Lookup Table. If the database chosen in SAEM is not open in System Architect, you will be prompted to open the encyclopedia in System Architect.
4 Select Tools > Flattener. This option will only be enabled if the current database is a valid System Architect encyclopedia. You must have exclusive access to the database that you want to flatten. If not, a message to this affect will be displayed in the message window.
5 In the Flatten Database dialog, click Click here or press ALT+O to see additional options (or press ALT +O).
Local Batch Size
Controls how much local memory the flattener uses. By default it is set to 500000 which roughly equates to 250MB. If your system has more available memory, increase this number as it will improve performance. The value for this field will be remembered for subsequent Flattener sessions.
Update Batch Size
Controls how many INSERT statements are bundled together when updating the destination database. Larger values help reduce network traffic and thus improve performance but too large a value hinders performance. The ideal number varies between systems. The default of 60 helps performance on all systems tested. The value for this field will be remembered for subsequent Flattener sessions.
6 In the Flatten Database dialog, specify the name of the flattened database that will be created in the Destination Database field.
The Destination Database is set to the current database plus a "_Flat" suffix. You can change it to any valid database name. The destination database name will be remembered for subsequent Flattener sessions.
The Source Database is set to the current database and is read only. To change the database, you must close this dialog and change the current database.
7 Click OK to start the Flattener.
Once the database has been flattened the destination database may be queried using standard SQL.
See also
Flattener (Normalized Table Builder)