Use up to four lines at the bottom of the printed report page to identify the report footer.
Areas, input fields, and buttons in Footers dialog
Insert Report Name button
This control <rptname> inserts the name of the report into the header or footer line. This control defaults to the Header 1 line in the Headers dialog to minimally print the report name in the header of your reports. You can keep this default or change it by over-typing it.
Insert Date button
This control <date> inserts the date code into the header or footer line. The current date is included in the report when it is run.
Insert Time button
This control <time> inserts the time code into the header or footer line. The current time is included in the report when it is run.
Insert Page # button
This control <#pg#> inserts page numbers into the header or footer line.
Footer lines 1 – 4
This control <#pg#> inserts page numbers into the header or footer line.