Reporting : Native reporting system : How to edit or add a report : Text Editor : Text mode – editing the report name, description, and ID
Text mode – editing the report name, description, and ID
Report blocks specify individual reports within a Report Definition file. There can be any number of report blocks within a Report Definition file. Each report block starts with the REPORT command followed by the name argument. Name is a user-defined identifier which displays in the report selection window of the Report dialog.
REPORT "report name"
local definition block

level specification
level specification
level specification
Each level specification can include:
The information to be printed:
SELECT commands in a Tabular report.
CELL, COLUMN, ROW, and VALUE commands in a Matrix report.
The criteria for selecting data from the dictionary for a Tabular or Matrix report:
WHERE commands.
The sorting sequence for a Tabular report (Matrix reports are not sorted):
ORDERBY commands.
Together, the TABULAR command and the MATRIX command define the report type. Tabular reports list information in columns; matrix reports present information by listing columns across the top of the page and rows down the page, as in a spreadsheet.
Note The indentation of command lines in the report examples in this manual is used to enhance the readability. More than one command can be written on a line so long as the white space requirements are met.
Use the REPORT command and the DESCRIPT command to edit the report name and report description, respectively. These are the only three commands used in the Report block.
Note System Architect uses the ID command as an internal report identifier. Do not change the ID command or its assigned number.
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Text Editor