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Fields used to identify definitions
The following Entity Table fields can be used to identify definitions. These identifiers can be used in the SELECT command and the WHERE command when Class = Definition.
Is a derived T/F Boolean field that pertains to a symbol or a definition. The value is true for a symbol if it does not expand to a diagram. The value is true for definitions that are not expressions, and expressions that do not contain any data elements or data structures.
Is a derived numeric field, having up to 10 digits. This value specifies the number of characters in a definition description.
Is a derived T/F Boolean field. Its value is T if the diagram, symbol, or definition is currently displayed.
Is a derived field that contains a five-digit numeric value corresponding to the number of symbols a definition defines, or the number of definitions a symbol is defined by. Use of this field updates any references between the selected symbols and definitions.
This field of definition entries (the first and sometimes only property of a definition) is the internal memo field in dBASE III files, and is used by System Architect to store values of undetermined length such as descriptive text (maximum of 4095 characters).
Is a derived memo-type field (a limit of 4095 characters) that produces a list of the bottom level elements for a given definition defined as an expression. The elements are strung together, one name per line, into a single value in the memo field.
Is a derived memo field (a limit of 4095 characters) which is applied to definitions. It contains erroneous expression syntax or undefined data elements or data structures used by the expression. Use of this field also updates any references between the selected expression definition and any data elements or data structures used by this expression.
Is a database field that contains a unique 10-digit, 32-bit, number assigned internally to all symbols, diagrams and definitions. Each entry in the encyclopedia has a unique number. A number is never reissued within a single encyclopedia.
Is a derived memo-type field (a limit of 4095 characters) that provides a list of bottom level elements used as input for a given symbol definition. The elements are strung together, one name per line, into a single value in the memo field.
Is a derived numeric field. It contains up to a 10-digit numeric value, indicating the number of lines in a definition description.
Is a Boolean database field, having a value of either T or F, to indicate if a definition or diagram record is locked. This applies only to the network version of System Architect.
Is a derived memo-type field (a limit of 4095 characters) that derives a list of the bottom level elements used as output for a given symbol definition. The elements are strung together, one name per line, into a single value in the memo field.
Is a derived T/F Boolean field that pertains to a diagram, symbol or definition. The value is T if it has at least one relationship. A definition (data element, data structure, or requirement) with no relationships, meaning that it does not use data elements or structures, does not define a symbol, and is not attached to a symbol, would be Reference = F.
Is a derived memo-type field (a limit of 4095 characters) which is applied to symbols and their definitions. It contains any rule violations for that symbol.
Is a derived T/F Boolean field that is T for a definition if the definition dialog is currently displayed and is selected. The diagram is considered to be selected if at least one symbol or definition is selected.
Is a derived T/F Boolean field of length equal to one character. The field is created, and given the value T, when a definition or reference attribute is saved, and the referent (data) does not already exist.
Is a memo-type field (a limit of 4095 characters) that derives a list of the bottom level elements used by the definition of all line symbols that are not marked as either input or output (no arrow heads). The elements are strung together, one name per line, into a single value in the memo field.
Is a derived field having a numeric value of up to 10 digits. This field is used to specify the number of words in a definition description. Note that this field applies only to the description property.
Parent topic
How to edit an existing report