Some additional Entity Table fields follow, that can be used to specify the Audit Id of users, and the date and time that a diagram, definition, or symbol was last modified.
Audit or auditid
Either of these are database fields that contains the 7-character Audit Id entered by the user on startup of System Architect.
Checked out by
Is a database field that contains the 7-character Audit Id of the user who checked out the object (definition, diagram, or symbol).
CheckOut date
Is a database field that contains the date value of when the record was checked out.
CheckOut time
Is a database field that contains the time value of when the record was checked out.
Freeze date
Is a database field that contains the date value of when the record was frozen.
Freeze time
Is a database field that contains the time value of when the record was frozen.
Frozen by
Is a database field that contains the 7 character Audit Id of the user who froze the object (definition, diagram, or symbol).
Update date
Is a database field that contains the date value of when the record was last updated.
Update time
Is a database field that contains the time value of when the record was last updated.