The key to each row of the Relationship Table is the combination of the two 32-bit identity numbers and their relationship. Each Relationship Table has three columns: Entity Identity 1, Entity Identity 2 and the Relationship between the two entities, such as:
Rows 1 & 2.
Diagrams and the symbols contained in the diagrams
"Data Flow Gane & Sarson" contains "Data Store"
Rows 3 & 4.
Data element definitions and the data store(s) in which the data elements are used.
"Data Element" "used by" "Data Store"
Each row of the Relationship Table contains the relationship between two entities. An entry in the Relationship Table indicates the relationship between two entities. Each diagram, symbol, or definition may take part in zero or some other even number of relationships; the number is always even because each relationship has an inverse which is stored.