The TRAILER subcommand is used in a SETTING command specify a footer. Up to four footer lines can be printed on a page. Each footer requires a new TRAILER specification line, its line number, and the text to be printed.
The structure of this statement is:
SETTING { TRAILERtrailer-number "trailer text" }
The TRAILER subcommand statements must conform to the following rules:
▪If more than one character string is included in a single footer, the strings must be separated by commas.
▪The character string must always be enclosed in quotation marks, whether or not it contains embedded white spaces.
Note The TRAILERFONT subcommand is the only command that can be used to specify a specific user-defined font to be used for a footer. Only one TRAILERFONT command is permitted in each report block.
The following is an example of the TRAILER specification:
Creating a trailer with multiple strings enables the user to include a date, time, and page number in the same line. System Architect substitutes the current date, time, and correct page number when the Reporting System-supplied DEFINE identifiers are used. These identifiers are: Date, Time, and #pg#.
At run time, the #pg# identifier is replaced with a numeric page number, up to four digits. The space strings (" ") is used to separate the Date, Time, and ‘page’ fields.
The space before footers is controlled by the TRAILERSPACE subcommand, and tab characters are used for header justification (see Justifying headers and footers for details).