Double-quotes are important where the item is keyed and the key value is being supplied as part of the name, and a name contains a space. The format is or where there are multiple keys, the sequence is key1.key2[... .keyn].name. If keys are missing then they are assigned in reverse order.
In the case of Entity, if Model is not supplied then the default is Pool.
If you have a definition with two key properties (not counting the name), and only supply, then the value “key” gets stored in the second key property that was defined.
Therefore, supply key1."".name to get a definition with the first key of value key1. Note that supplying will not successfully find an existing definition.
Otherwise, where no defaults are programmed, missing keys get no value.
Contains 1 to indicate that the definition was created or 0 if it was not.
Contains a number greater than 0 if a definition exists with the given name.
This requires SAXT to be installed and for SAREST to have been configured with the SAXT URL.
Exceptions are returned as <Exception>Message Text</Exception>