SA REST API : System Architect REST API : Obtain XML based on SAXT template for an item
Obtain XML based on SAXT template for an item
http://<Machine Name|IP>:<Port>/SARest/SQL/<Server Name>/<Encyclopedia Name>/<Workspace ID>/Reports/<Template Name>/<DDID>
Template Name:
The given template name is expected to match a template in the folder <SA folder>\SAXT Publisher\Templates
Obtains internal type number for the item identified by DDID.
Obtains Report file, name from the template file. The stylesheet is currently ignored.
Matches on SAClass, SAType, SAReportType first
Then on SAType, SAReportType
Then on SAClass, SAType
If a report file is found then the report is run.
Employs SARestWebService*.xsl
If there is output then it is returned.
1 You cannot use the character replacement functions such as -spa- with these parameters.
2 No metadata is generated.
http://localhost:8889/SARest/SQL/MySQLServer /MyEncy/1/Reports/Enterprise%20Architecture/43303
<Encyclopedia name="11-4-2-6_scratch">
         <prp_Model>"6_Test"<Project-spa-Data-spa-Model Name="6_Test" DDID="16296" MinorType="Project Data Model" Class="3" href="http://localhost:8889/SARest/SQL/MySQLServer/MyEncy/1/Reports/Enterprise Architecture/43303//Definitions/Project-spa-Data-spa-Model/16296"/>
   <Workspace Name="Root" ID="1" Baseline="0" Description="" Path="\\Root"/>
<Encyclopedia name="11-4-2-6_scratch">
   <Workspace Name="Root" ID="1" Baseline="0" Description="" Path="\\Root"/>
Parent topic
System Architect REST API