SA XT for web access : System Architect XT : User interface : Home page of System Architect XT
Home page of System Architect XT
When you login to System Architect XT, the Home page is displayed, with a banner at the top, which contains session information, links and other items listed below. The banner is shown on all pages.
User Name
The user name that you used to be authenticated into System Architect XT. The User Name is used by the catalog to determine the encyclopedias you have access to and the permissions you are granted for particular encyclopedias.
Login Mode
The login mode you are logged in with is displayed as Reader or Updater, each with corresponding icons. Your login mode determines what you can or cannot do within your current session. If you logged into a baseline encyclopedia the mode is always Reader since those encyclopedias are read-only. If you logged into an encyclopedia as an Updater, it means you have permission to create the diagrams and definitions that are permissible to create within System Architect XT, and that you have been granted permission to update in the server catalog.
This updates your session with updates that have been made to the encyclopedia since you logged into it.
You can bookmark pages and return to them quickly by clicking on them on the Bookmarks box.
View all sessions
Goes to the page where all users currently logged into System Architect XT are listed. The information shown includes the Session State, Logon Name, Audit ID, Encyclopedia, Logon time and Last Action (with date and time).
Displays the System Architect XT splash page, with version number and copyright information.
Displays the Help system wherein this topic is being displayed.
Log Out
Logs you out of the current session and returns you to the Login Screen, where you can choose another server and encyclopedia, or simply end your System Architect XT session. If you had checked on the Remember Selection check box, your login options would be already selected and you would only need to click Login to start another session.
Cognos Reports
For System Architect XT users to run the IBM Cognos reports, a System Architect user with Admin privileges must use ‘SAEM for SQL Server’ to configure each encyclopedia to point to the IBM Cognos server and to provide the port number. In System Architect XT, the ‘Cognos Reports’ option will only appear for encyclopedias that have been configured through SAEM for SQL Server, as described (System Architect users, see ‘SAEM for SQL Server’ help for more information on enabling encyclopedias for IBM Cognos reports).
Search for SA Items
This searches the entire encyclopedia repository for any object and object type. For example, if you search for ‘Hotel’ in the ‘Samples’ encyclopedia, the search returns any diagrams, symbols or definitions with ‘Hotel’ in their names. The search returns are listed on a page from which you can click found objects to get details about them. Each item is identified by its type.
Advanced Search
To open the Dynamic Search page, click Advanced Search.
You can select which type of Class you want to search by, such as Diagrams, Symbols, or Definitions. You can also use Comparison values, such as =, < >, starts with or contains. Select the property criteria that you want to search by, and then click Submit. A window displays your search results, and you can click on found objects to get details about those objects, including its type.
Switch to Reader/Updater
Use the Reader/Updater field in the banner to switch between modes, without logging out from your current encyclopedia.
Select Workspace
Click this option to select a different workspace than the one in which you are currently working on. When you do this, a dialog will be displayed with the field listing the workspaces in the current encyclopedia. This dialog will tell you to close child windows before switching workspaces.
Changing to a different workspace logs you in using the same mode as the workspace from which you are changing. If you logged in as a Reader in one workspace, you are logged in as Reader in the workspace you select.
Note The Root workspace is always read-only, and if you switch to that workspace, you will view it as read-only, even if you are logged in as an Updater.