System Architect XT webpage URLs contain information that makes it possible for them to be bookmarked, stored as Desktop shortcuts, copied into emails, saved into documents, and so on. Later, you can click on those URLs, and an System Architect XT session is automatically started on the webpage specified in the URL. This feature enables you to bypass the initial System Architect XT login page and saves you the extra clicks you would otherwise need to navigate to the page you want to view. Another feature is that in a single browser session, you can have multiple tabs opened, where each tab can contain different System Architect XT sessions, displaying data from different encyclopedias. These features are possible because every System Architect XT URL has parameters that identify the server’s base URL, type, server name, encyclopedia name, and workspace ID if applicable.
By default, encyclopedias that you link to through URLs are opened in Reader mode. However, encyclopedias are opened in Updater mode if a matching Updater connection is found, or if the URL points to a page that requires Updater access to be viewed (for example, a page to edit a diagram or definition).
Other important information about System Architect XT URLs includes the following:
▪After you are logged in Reader mode, you can switch to Updater mode by clicking Switch to Updater on the System Architect XT banner. Switching modes releases the license type you are switching from and takes a license type you are switching to.
▪If you attempt to login to a page and there are no licenses available, you are directed to the login page and informed accordingly. Similarly, if you try to switch your login mode from Reader to Updaters, or vice versa, and no suitable license is available, your current login mode is retained.
▪You can have separate browser sessions, or different tabs within a single session, opened to different encyclopedia or encyclopedia workspaces, simultaneously.
▪Your browser tab list displays the same text as shown for the windows title bar, including server name, encyclopedia name (and workspace name if applicable).
▪Bookmarked links to web pages for definitions or diagrams that have been deleted will cease to work.
When this occurs, this message appears: The URL cannot be empty. Parameter name: url. You can confirm that your definition or diagram has been deleted by running a report that queries the objects DDID value (shown in the browser’s address bar). The query returns Your search returned no results.
▪If a bookmarked definition or diagram for which you had read/write access becomes baselined (which makes it read-only), you can only view those pages in read-only mode.
▪The View all sessions page shows each session’s connection ID, appended to the Logon Name value.
▪Every webpage in System Architect XT, except the login page, provides a Logout option in the banner so that resources or licenses consumed by the user logged into the page are released when the user logs out of the page.
The URL structure
This example shows the parts of a typical System Architect XTURL.