SA XT for web access : System Architect XT : Using the System Architect XT Explorer
Using the System Architect XT Explorer
The System Architect XT Explorer page provides various ways to view or edit encyclopedia definitions or diagrams.
Note In System Architect XT 11.4.1, the “Browser” was renamed to “Explorer”.
The options available depend on whether you log in to encyclopedias as an Updater or a Reader, and on the role that you are assigned to a given encyclopedia. These factors determine whether the toolbar options in the Explorer are displayed to you as enabled or in read-only mode.
Working with the Explorer only
When you expand the Explorer nodes, the names of diagrams and definitions are linked. You can click any such object and the appropriate page opens. If you click the “Reservations” for example, the report page for that diagram is shown, with information about the diagram, and an SVG image of it. That page also contains the same Edit button so you can edit the diagram from that page, if you choose to do so. The same is true for a definition page, where the Edit button is displayed. However, in either case, the availability of the Edit button depends on whether the diagram or definition type can be edited with System Architect XT, whether you are logged in as Reader or an Updater, and on your assigned role in the encyclopedia.
Toolbar commands
The Explorer expands from the top-level Diagrams and Definitions nodes, and each node has a checkbox next to it. The toolbar commands work on one or more items that you select in the Explorer tree.
New Diagram
Opens the Create Diagram page where you can create the diagram types that System Architect XT supports.
New Definition
Opens the Create Definitions page where you select the definition type to create.
View (Valid for “Reader” also)
Opens a definition report page or a diagram report page with an SVG diagram image for the selected item
Depending on the item you select, opens the Create Definition or the Create diagram page.
Deletes the selected objects.
Some objects cannot be deleted by System Architect XT. When you try to delete an object of this type, an error message is displayed, which informs you why the object cannot be deleted. For example, an object can be locked, or it can be in use by someone else.
If you select multiple items to delete, but one item in the group cannot be deleted, an error message informs which object cannot be deleted, and why it cannot be deleted. Objects that can be deleted are deleted, while the object (or objects) that could not be deleted remain checked in the Explorer.
Unchecks the selected objects.