SA XT for web access : System Architect XT : Customizing System Architect XT : Sample components in the configuration files : Pages component
Pages component
The Pages component is the outermost container for objects in the Configuration File. It contains a Profile component and numerous Page components, which have components within them. Both the outermost Pages and its nested Page components can contain multiple components, as occurs throughout the System Architect XT web site.
The code sample below, from the commercial.xml Configuration File, shows the structure of the Pages component and some of the sub-components within it. The profile component contains the background property, which determines the image that is displayed for the entire page. Beneath it, the page component named header contains other components, which determine the elements displayed on the default Home page of System Architect XT.
<componentname="My Bookmarks"type="Link" class="boxSidebar" header2="My Bookmarks" format="List"newpage="Y" managelinks="Manage my bookmarks"source_is_catalog="Y" catalog_key="curruser,currency"/>
<componentname="My Links" type="Link" class="boxSidebar" header2="My Links" format="List" newpage="Y" managelinks="Manage my links" source_is_catalog="Y" catalog_key="curruser,anyency"/>
. . .
The table below list component field names, values and their descriptions.
Field name
Possible values
Catalog key for links management – only relevant if the value of the field named source_is_catalog is y.
Data from the catalog is loaded that is suitable for any user and any encyclopedia.
Data from the catalog is loaded that is suitable for the current user and any encyclopedia.
Data from the catalog is loaded that is suitable for any user and the current encyclopedia.
Data from the catalog is loaded that is suitable for the current user and the current encyclopedia.
Defines the class of the generated div section.
Defines the presentation of each item.
Adds a button for each item, which opens the target page when pressed.
Adds a hyperlink for each item, separating each using list html.
Adds a hyperlink for each item, separating each using table html.
Adds a hyperlink for each item, separating each using paragraphs.
Defines the header to be added above the scrollable region, above the list
Defines the header to be added inside the scrollable region, above the list.
Label for manage links reference, if one is to be included. This is only relevant if the value of the field named source_is_catalog is y.
If y then the target page for each item is opened in a new window.
If y, allows the list to be scrolled.
If y then the data for the links is taken from the catalog using the specified catalog_key.
Defines the style of the generated div section.