Troubleshooting : System Architect XT error messages and problems : Request timed out
Request timed out
Possible causes
The timeout setting in Web.config file needs to be increased
This error might occur if a poor throughput connection exists between the System Architect XT server and the database server. You can increase the execution timeout setting in the web.config file so that the application has more time to connect to the database server: The default executionTimeout is 90 seconds.
1 Browse to
C:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect\System Architect Suite\SAXT\
2 Open the web.config file.
3 After the <System.Web> tag, add the following tag:
4 . This sets the number of seconds that the code can execute before it times out.
The timeout setting in the SA2001.inifile needs to increase
1 Browse to:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Telelogic\System Architect
2 Edit the SA2001.ini file with a text editor to add the following code:
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System Architect XT error messages and problems