Troubleshooting : System Architect XT error messages and problems : Intermittent access of the active server page functionality
Intermittent access of the active server page functionality
Possible cause: Intermittent access of the active server page functionality such as clicking on buttons like “Commercial Questions”
This is caused by multiple ASP.NET processes being spawned on the Microsoft IIS server.
Note On Microsoft Windows 2003, the ASP.NET worker processes are called w3wp.exe.
This is an issue as SAXT is stateful. When SAXT returns the results to the process, it is not returning it to the correct process. This is because there are multiple processes running. This also explains the inconsistent issues because sometimes the results are being returned to the correct process.
The number of allowed ASP.NET processes is determined by the Web Garden setting for the Application Pool in the Microsoft IIS server. The SAXT application is using the default Application Pool. The Web Garden Maximum number of worker processes should not be greater than 1. Change this setting to 1 and restart Microsoft IIS.
This is not a problem in System Architect 11.4 and higher, because in those versions, the URL navigation masks the problem by creating a new session.
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System Architect XT error messages and problems