Troubleshooting : System Architect XT error messages and problems : “Unauthorized use” when launching the System Architect XT website
“Unauthorized use” when launching the System Architect XT website
Possible cause: Insufficient permissions set in Microsoft IIS
System Architect XT does not support the use of Anonymous access and it must be disabled in Microsoft IIS
To verify the permissions for the website are set properly, do this:
1 Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.
2 Expand the local computer node in the tree browser on the left.
3 Expand Web Sites > Default Web Site.
4 Right-click the new System Architect XT website and select Properties.
5 Click the Directory Security tab.
6 In the Anonymous access and authentication control group box, click on Edit.
7 Verify that everything is unselected except Integrated Windows Authentication.
8 Click OK.
Note You can also use Basic Authentication and have the user provide the login information when accessing System Architect XT website. This setting can be used if the System Architect XT website is being accessed outside of the network.
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System Architect XT error messages and problems