Tutorials : Report generation and publishing : Module 2: Create a report : Lesson 2.1: Create a report file
Lesson 2.1: Create a report file
Before you create a new report, you have to create a report file and add a new report to that file.
To create a new report file
1 Open the Samples encyclopedia. (Select File > Open Encyclopedia > Existing. Select your Connection name, then highlight the Tutorial encyclopedia, click OK.)
2 Select Reports > Report Generator in the encyclopedia.
3 Click File > Open Report File to open the Report File Selection dialog box. Select Reports.rpt file, which contains prewritten reports, and then click Open.
4 In the Reports dialog, select File > New Report File. You are presented with an empty Reports dialog. You are ready to add a new report.
5 Click Add in the Reports dialog to open the Add Report dialog.