Tutorials : UML modeling for information system architecture : Module 1: Model with use cases : Lesson 1.4: Define a use case by using steps
Lesson 1.4: Define a use case by using steps
Define the actors and define a Use Case scenario using steps.
The Customer and Reception actors are considered to be classes of objects with a stereotype of actor. If you open up an actor's definition dialog, you can see a definition dialog for a class, with Stereotype property filled in for Actor.
Although you could add details to the definitions of the actors you have drawn at this point, such as attributes, you will not. You can add information about classes when you take a closer look at the behavior of these classes (and their instances, or objects) with Sequence diagrams in the next module.
Note Defining a Class–You do not normally need to detail any information about the class at this stage of development. Later, you can go back to the class definition and add details.
Define a Use Case using steps
You can also create a Use Case scenario by writing steps (instead of drawing attributions and actors).
List the preconditions that must exist before the scenario can take place, and list the postconditions that must exist after the scenario has run its course. Start with the basic steps to make a reservation (assuming that the room the customer requests is available, and assuming that the credit the customer has is approved).
Customer Queries for Available Rooms
Store Customer Details
Check Diary for Room Availability
Room is Available
Advise Customer of Availability
Customer Requests Reservation
Provisionally Book Room
Figure Out Price; Advise Customer
Customer Accepts Terms
Check Customer Credit
Customer Credit OK
Reserve Room
To add these steps to the definition of the Make Reservation Use Case
1 Open the definition dialog of the Make Reservation Use Case.
2 Select the Steps tab in the Use Case definition. You will see a grid for Use Case Steps.
3 Click in the Name column of the first row of the Use Cases Steps grid, and type in the first step: Customer Queries for Available Rooms. Press Enter to add it to the grid.
4 Add the remaining 11 Use Case Step listed at the start of this section.
Addingremaining steps to Use Case Steps dialog
You may specify a description of each step in the Step Text column or click in the step's Name box and click Define to open the full definition of the step, and type the description in the Step Text field there.
5 In the Step Text column, in the row for Customer Queries for Available Rooms, add the Step Text: Customer queries for room availability on certain dates. Click OK.