Using basic capabilities : Overview of using basic capabilities : Symbols and definitions : Pointers
Selecting and highlighting objects on a diagram workspace
Not in use or drag to select contents to a specific area on the diagram.
Zoom to a specific area on the diagram.
Placing and adding objects on a diagram workspace
Inserting a line segment and using the Draw menu option of pasting a picture onto the diagram.
Connectors for Enterprise Architecture diagram types.
Placing a symbol on a diagram.
Inserting text.
Drawing a curved or elliptical line on a diagram.
Connecting objects on a diagram workspace
Connecting a symbol or line to another in a diagram.
Moving and dragging objects on a diagram workspace
Moving symbols around the diagram workspace.
Drag and drop one or more objects onto a diagram.
Help dialogs. The question mark icon is used to indicate that there is a help file associated with it, therefore a help dialog will appear.
Magnify a specific area on the diagram.
Tool not applicable/active area.
Selects tabs in Explorer and Matrix Browsers.
See also
Symbols and definitions