Architecting and designing : DoDAF : Migrating from DoDAF 1.5 to DoDAF 2
Migrating from DoDAF 1.5 to DoDAF 2
There is a toolkit that helps you migrate your architecture built with DoDAF 1.5 standard, to DoDAF 2.
To use the DoDAF 2 Migration Toolkit
1 Prime the DoDAF 1.5 Encyclopedia.
2 Create and Run Report Generator Reports.
3 Create DoDAF 2 Definitions by importing generated XML.
4 Create DoDAF 2 Data Centric Diagrams.
Advantages of using the Migration Toolkit
The DoDAF 2 Migration Toolkit offers the following advantages:
Enables you to use your inventory of DoDAF model assets in DoDAF 2
Supports the creation of DoDAF 2 data-centric repository from DoDAF 1.5 diagrams, symbols, and definitions by using the System Architect Report Generator to collect the needed DoDAF 1.5 information to create the DoDAF 2 definitions fundamental to data centricity.
You can create a conversion that supports the way they used DoDAF 1.5 in converting to DoDAF 2.
Provides sample Report Generator Reports and supporting items that can be used as-is or as a starting point for modifications to meet specific needs.
Takes advantage of the data-centric representational consistency features of System Architect’s DoDAF 2 implementation in diagram creation.
Report Generator created XML is imported directly into DoDAF 2.
Imported DoDAF 2 definitions are used in diagrams, matrices, reports and in other System Architect features.
Contents of the Migration Toolkit
The Migration Toolkit contains the following:
Macro (DoDAF2Convertor.mac file) to prime the DoDAF 1.5 Encyclopedia with Symbol GUIDS
Symbols use either unique GUID or underlying definition GUID.
Stylesheet (Report2SAXML.XSL) to transform System Architect Report Generator output to System Architect XML.
Includes TypeConv.XML template file for mapping DoDAF 1.5 symbols and definition to DoDAF 2 definition reference properties – including heterogeneous reference properties.
Samples provided
Report Generator reports and descriptions.
Macro DoDAF2Convertor.mac symbol GUID tables.
Report2SAXML.XSL Stylesheet and template file TypeConv.XML.
Child selector Explorer Object Report for populating DoDAF 2 diagram with a definitions children.
ActivityPerformedByPerformer Explorer Complex Report for generating ActivityPerformedByPerformer definitions from DoDAF 1.5.
USRPROPS showing how to implement Information Exchange as a subtype of Information (DM2) supporting it being referenced by Need Line (DM2rx), System Data Flow (DM2rx) and other definitions that reference Information (DM2) or its subtypes.
DoDAF 2 Migration Instructions.