The measurement definition is a key component of the Performance Reference Model. Measurements are used for identifying the baseline, target, and actual values for a particular PRM measurement indicator.
As such, the measurements in the PRM are not just IT measures but can come from any domain within the agency.
Measurement definition can be used in the context of charting the strategic direction of the enterprise as well as in support of the PRM and the E300.
Performance Reference Model and Balanced Scorecard Method Measurements
Creating and using Measurements in the context of the Reference Models is complex. Keep in mind the following distinctions:
▪PRM Measurement Indicator (MMIs) provide the overall description of what is being measured.
▪Measurement definitions are used in PRM Measurement Indicator (MMIs) to define specific measures and hold the measurement values themselves.
▪Measurements are recorded at specific points in time.
Time dimensions
There are two major time definitions in System Architect: Point in Time and Time Period. They are used both in iRMA as well as part of the Strategy Map.
Time Periods are defined using beginning and ending Points in Time. In order to avoid the creation of redundant, slightly different time definitions, it is suggested that a standard architecture for handling time in the EA be developed including a standard naming convention.
Point in time
As its name suggests, Point in Time refers to a specific instance of time. The name of the Point in Time definition can be any alphanumeric value; however, the Occurs on Date must be date in this format: DD/MM/YYYY. The slashes / are required.
Time periods
Time Periods are created using Points in Time. As mentioned above, it is suggested that a consistent set of Time Periods be designed and created.
In this section of this tutorial, you will create a Point In Time and a Measurement definition, and link them together.
To create a Point in Time Definition
1 In the Explorer, right‑click Definition, and select New.
2 In the Select new type for All Methods menu, select the Point In Time definition, and click OK.
3 Name the Measurement definition “1QFY06”.
4 In the Occurs on Date field, type:
5 Click OK.
The Point in Time definition dialog appears. Click OK to close the dialog.
To create a measurement definition
1 In the Explorer, right‑click Definition, and select New.
2 In the Select new type for All Methods menu, select the Measurement definition, and click OK.
3 Name the Measurement definition “Application Cycle”.
4 Click Choices under the Instance of Measurement Indicator field to reveal a Select and Drag window with existing PRM Measurement Indicators. Drag the Grant Application Cycle Time PRM Measurement Indicator into the field.
It is suggested that you create a Point In Time definition before creating the Measurement. You can then click Choices and select a Point in Time from the list.
5 On the Captured at Point in Time field, click Choices. In the select and drag dialog, drag the 1QFY06 into Captured at Point IN time field.
Your Measurement definition should now reflect the following image below:
6 Click OK.
The full definition dialog with tabs now appears with the Key Properties now populated and defined, as shown below.
7 Click the Application tab and view its properties.
Applies To System
Links to a System definition. Allows another integration point with the PRM.
Required? No
Links to the Organizational Unit responsible for collecting this Measurement.
Required? No
8 Click in the Applies to System field, and click Choices.
The Select and drag (System) window appears.
9 Select and Drag the DHHS application to the Applies to System field.
10 Click the Value tab and view its properties.
Measurement Value
The value of the measurement. Should not include units, since that is a property of the Performance Measure.
Required? Yes
Measurement provided by Person
Links to Person definition
Required? No
11 Type 75% in the Measurement Value Field.
Later in the tutorial, you are able to run a report against Measures for the DHHS application, and its assets.