Customizing the metamodel : Reference external documents
Reference external documents
The EDIT URLS command can be use to reference external documents.
The EDIT URLS command causes a button to be presented at the bottom of the listof property.
Open button
Browse Externally button
Browse Internally button
The buttons can be used for one of the functions.
Browse and select external documents
Type in external hyperlinks
Browse the internal Files table of the encyclopedias database
Open an external or internally referenced document
PROPERTY property name {EDIT URLS}
System Architect enforces the following restrictions on a URLS property: It may not be KEY.
Definition "Use Case"
PROPERTY "Reference Documents" {EDIT URLS}
Using the Reference Documents property
You can specify an external document, spreadsheet, URL, or other file in the Reference Documents property.
1 Click Browse Externally to select a document on your computer or network.
Include the protocol for URLs and file references. For example: for example: http://host/path for URLs and for example: http://host/path/file for file references. File addresses can be opened using the Open button in the Property Editor for this type of property. To navigate external links, verify that the link that you store works in a browser before you store it.
2 Click Browse Internally to browse and select a file in the Files table of the encyclopedias database.
If you open an internal document, it will be exported from the Files table and opened in the default program set on your computer for that type of document. A warning message displays indicating that you must remember to import it back into the Files table of the database after saving it.
3 Select the document or file in the Reference Documents list, and click Open to open the document in the program that you have set as default on your computer.
See also
Introduction to extending metamodel with USRPROPS