-fpuser <username>
User name for logging into Focal Point® Server.
-fppassword <password>
Password for logging into Focal Point® Server.
-encyclopedia <*.udl>
The desired SQL connection and encyclopedia must be set in a UDL file. An easy way to find the correct UDL file format is to open System Architect to the desired Encyclopedia. Using a file browser, open C:\Users\<yourUser>\AppData\Local\Telelogic\System Architect\sa2001.ini in a text editor. Find the line that starts with "LastEncyclopedia=", and then copy the *.udl file shown in this line to a new location to be used in this command line value.
-WorkspaceID <#>
This field is necessary if your encyclopedia contains Workspaces. To identify the correct Workspace number, follow the same instructions under -encyclopedia for opening sa2001.ini, and use the number listed as "LastWorkspace=". Alternatively, use SAEM to Connect to the desired Encyclopedia, and run a new query: "select id,name from workspaces". For the WorkspaceID value, use the ID #.
-fpexport <profilename>
or -fpimport <profilename> |
Only use one of these commands (using both will default to -fpexport). Enter the name of the Focal Point® Profile definition you want to export or import depending on which trigger you use.
This option will start System Architect as a background process to run the Focal Point® export or import and then shutdown.