The System Architect installation provides a RAM Library with the RAM metamodel, which supports the integration. The metamodel must be applied on the RAM server. The library supports the following RAM Asset Types:
▪SA-XML for diagrams and definitions, containing the attributes Encyclopedia ID, Workspace ID, and Encyclopedia Name.
▪SA-Metamodel for encyclopedia information, containing the attributes Encyclopedia ID, Workspace ID, and Encyclopedia Name.
The integration also requires that IBM Rational Asset Manager REST APIs are available to GET and POST data from and to RAM.
The artifacts that System Architect can publish to or consume from RAM are diagrams and definitions. The diagrams or definitions are exported or imported in the native System Architect XML format. Child diagrams are optional for diagrams, and subordinate definitions are optional for definitions. Native System Architect metamodel definitions (including those in the USRPROPS.TXT extensibility file) can also be published or consumed, although they have no traceability.
Note System Architect Catalog Manager provides Role-based access control (RBAC) and Instance-level Access Control (ILAC) for Enterprise encyclopedias. When you publish artifacts from Enterprise encyclopedias, the RBAC and ILAC settings are lost and the artifacts are public to all RAM users.