Integrating : Integrating with IBM Rational DOORS : IBM Rational DOORS side of the System Architect DOORS interface : System Architect views in IBM Rational DOORS
System Architect views in IBM Rational DOORS
The System Architect to IBM Rational DOORS link provides in IBM Rational DOORS three views for System Architect-sent objects. Though they are generally the same; these filters make it easy for you to differentiate between objects that you just sent in a previous session, or that were deleted from the encyclopedia. The System Architect views in IBM Rational DOORS are as follows:
SA Basic
Default view whenever you send objects from System Architect, which applies a filter for this view so that you only see objects sent by the last send action. A red bar appears in front of each object.
SA Detail
Displays all objects sent to IBM Rational DOORS. In addition to the default columns, this view shows the System Architect Stereotype, SA Deleted and SA GUID columns. A yellow bar appears in front of objects that were sent prior to the last send action.
See also
IBM Rational DOORS side of the System Architect DOORS interface