SA XT for web access : System Architect XT : Working with diagrams : Parent and child diagrams
Parent and child diagrams
With System Architect XT, you can open a Child diagram from a symbol in its Parent diagram. The Parent-Child relationship between these diagrams must be created with System Architect to be viewed in System Architect XT. If Parent-Child relationships exist between diagram types that you cannot edit with System Architect XT, they open in Read-only mode. However, If you login as an Updater, Business Process or Organizational Chart diagrams open in Edit mode because System Architect XT can edit those diagram types.
Opening child diagrams
To denote that a symbol has a Child diagram attached to it, a + (plus sign) is shown in System Architect XT. When you click the +, a list of the Child (or Children) that are attached to the symbol appears. You select the diagram you want to open and can work on it according the Role with which you logged onto System Architect XT. If a symbol has more than one child diagrams attached to it, the list includes all child diagrams, as shown in below.
From a child diagram, you can right-click an blank area of the canvas to display the context menu. If the diagram is a child of another diagram, the menu displays the Open Parent Diagram option.
See also
Working with diagrams