SA XT for web access : System Architect XT : Working with diagrams : Creating diagrams : User-defined symbols in System Architect XT
User-defined symbols in System Architect XT
A user-defined symbol is an image that you can draw on a standard diagram or on a user-defined diagram. The symbols you can draw, edit, or view through System Architect XT depend entirely on the customizations of the USRPROPS.TXT file done trough System Architect. The detailed instructions you need to configure user-defined symbols and their toolbar icons in your encyclopedias are outside the realm of this System Architect XT help system. Full customization steps are available in the main System Architect online help system, under the ‘Customizing System Architect’ section.
In System Architect XT, user-defined symbols are supported in Business Process and Organization Chart diagrams. When you create user-defined symbols, you can configure them to be depicted like other symbols. For line symbols, you can create a standard line to connect (or not connect) to other symbols. A line can also be depicted like lines in Organization Chart diagram. If a line is not configured to be depicted as lines in other diagrams, it will be shown in System Architect XT as a rectangle. System Architect XT does not support all line symbol depictions. For example, a user-defined symbol set to be depicted like a ‘Relates To’ line is shown with the proper depiction in System Architect, but is shown as a standard line symbol in System Architect XT.
User-defined toolbar and canvas images
For the diagram’s toolbar, you can use a bitmap icon that corresponds to your user-defined symbol (you cannot use a metafile for the toolbar icon). The standard size for a toolbar bitmap is 16 x 16 pixels. If you do not select a toolbar bitmap, the symbol name alone is displayed on the toolbar. For the symbols to be shown on the diagram canvas, you can use bitmap (.BMP) or metafile (.WMF) files.
Definitions for user-defined symbols
Symbols can be defined by new or by existing definitions. They can also be shown on the diagram based on a definition property. For example, the Event symbol in Business Process diagrams can be shown as a standard Event symbol or by its stereotype property. Each stereotype property value corresponds to a separate symbol. These property values use the List property, which presents a drop list of the images when you click the toolbar icon for that symbol. User-defined symbols can also be configured to work this way. The exception is that line symbols cannot be drawn according to a definition property.
User-defined symbols in the System Architect XT canvas
The way user-defined symbols behave and are shown in the System Architect XT canvas is generally the same as they behave and are shown in the System Architect canvas. However, you should be aware of the following information:
If the encyclopedia contains user-defined symbols that cannot be created or edited in System Architect XT, the toolbar icon for that symbol in System Architect XT is disabled.
If the encyclopedia contains user-defined symbols that are not set to be defined by a definition, the toolbar icon for that symbol will be enabled, and you can draw such symbols on the canvas. In other words, it is not required that a symbol be defined by a definition.
If the encyclopedia contains user-defined symbols that are not set to be defined by a definition, the toolbar icon for that symbol will be enabled, and you can draw such symbols on the canvas. In other words, it is not required that a symbol be defined by a definition.
User-defined arrows are shown with a standard arrow head, with a head size of 0.015 inches.
You can name newly created user-defined symbols like any other standard symbols.
One context menu item of a symbol shows “Display according to <Type Name>” when it is displayed as depiction.
One context menu item of a symbol shows “Display as <Display Property Name>” when it is displayed as symbol.
The new symbols dropped on the canvas shall pick up the default values from USRPROPS.TXT. The default value includes: Font, Text Color, Pen Color, and Size.
A new symbol behaves like a hierarchy node in System Architect XT if it does so in System Architect. This information is retrieved from System Architect and used in System Architect XT.
User-defined line symbols are not be governed by any rules. They can be connected to and from any symbol on the canvas and float freely. For example, you can create arrows and not connect them to other symbols.
For a user-defined symbols that has no definition, the Edit definition icon option is not be displayed on the symbol’s context menu.
A user-defined symbol with a depiction is shown with the text kept on the outside.
A user-defined symbol that is displayed as symbol (not a depiction) shows the symbol text either inside or outside, based on the setting for the symbol in its text position, which can be modified in System Architect.
For a user-defined symbol dropped on the canvas, you can update the fill color of the symbol. The fill color is only applied to the closed area that forms the Meta image of the symbol.
You can manipulate a user-defined symbol as a symbol. This includes changing the font, fill, text color, pen color, resizing it, moving it around.
The Business Process rules for a pool apply to a box user-defined symbol.
If the user-defined symbol is a non-hierarchy symbol, it can contain and be contained in other symbols.
A hierarchy user-defined symbol works like the existing hierarchy symbols is Organizational Chart diagrams.
See also
Creating diagrams