SA XT for web access : System Architect XT : Searching : Advanced search
Advanced search
The Advanced Search function is on the right side of all System Architect XT pages, under the basic Search field, if the default template is being used. Clicking Advanced Search displays the DYNAMIC SEARCH page with filter choice fields.
Show results with
You can type in the name of a property, and specify a particular value that it is related to (for example, equal to, less than, greater than, etc.). For example, you can type in a particular property (such as Name, or Description, or a definition list field such as Related Applications) and specify whether a word in the property is ‘like’ or ‘starts with’ a particular word. Or you can specify a property (such as Total Cost, in a BPMN Process) and specify to find instances where the numerical value of a property is equal to, not equal to, less than, or greater than a particular value.
Restricting the search
At the bottom of the dialog, you can restrict the search as follows:
The highest level metamodel consists of three ‘classes’ of items – Diagrams, Symbols, and Definitions. Using this field, you can restrict the search to Diagrams, or Symbols, or Definitions.
Each System Architect XT class (Diagram, Symbol, or Definition) consists of various types. For example, a UML Use Case diagram is a type of Diagram. A Process symbol is a type of Symbol. A BPMN Process is a type of Definition. Using this field, you can restrict the search to a particular type of Diagram, or Symbol, or Definition.
You can restrict the search to items updated during a particular timeframe.
Audit ID
You can restrict the search to items updated by a particular user, based on his or hear Audit ID.
Relates to Objects named
You can specify names of diagram, symbol, or definition instances that the item is related to. For example, if you wanted to find all BPMN Process definitions that had a related Application named Order System, you would type in this phrase in the Related to Objects named field.
In the example below, the search is restricted to BPMN Process definitions within which the Total Cost property is greater than 100.
See also