SA XT for web access : System Architect XT : System Architect XT Web Service : Sessions
The web service gets all access to System Architect through the wrapper file SAWrapper.dll. When a session of SAXT Web Service Session starts, an instance of System Architect is started on the server and a new SAWS_Sessions collection is started which holds a SessionState object for each web service session that is started. Once the SAWS_Sessions collection is created, the web.config file reads the SessionTimeOut and the CheckSessionTimer to determine their values.
If the CheckSessionTimer value is greater that 0, a background thread is started, to check for idle sessions.
If a session has been idle for more than the SessionTimeOut value then any resources held by this session are freed (including the license slot) and the session is deleted.
If the CheckSessionTimer value is not greater than 0 then no background thread is started and sessions are freed only when a client calls the EndSession method.
All methods except StartSession require a session id as an input parameter. The session id is returned by the StartSession method, which must be the first method called. The returned session id must be passed by the client application on all subsequent calls.
All methods return a SAWSResult object. The SAWSResult contains an error number and error message. If the error number is 0 then the method call was successful and the error message is empty. If the method call failed the error, number will not be zero and the error message will contain a description of the problem. If the method call was successful, the output field will contain the method specific results.
iError As Integer
sErrorMsg As Strings
Output As String
See also
System Architect XT Web Service