Architecting and designing > Generic enterprise architecture frameworks > Location Model view
Location Model view
The Location Model View describes where the enterprise does business and can include particular physical facilities as well as types of locations. The "location" represents the physical location where a process or process step takes place. It does not necessarily relate directly to the organizational unit that undertakes the task.
Graphical Depiction of Locations
The Business Concept diagram enables you to depict locations within your organization. You can import pictures into these diagrams representing the locations (Draw, Picture, File Copy or File Reference) and then define each picture as a location.
Location Definition
Organization Type
A location can either be Conceptual, Logical, or Physical. A conceptual location specifies geographic location (e.g., east coast) ; a logical location provides more specific details (e.g., Boston Sales Office), and a physical location will give the exact address.
Related Definitions
The Location definition can be associated with various business elements, such as Elementary Business Processes (or Units of Behavior for IDEF) that are performed at the location, and the Technology used at the location. These associations are created within the definition (e.g., for associated Technology, you can add Technologies directly into a listof box within the Location definition) or using matrices (View, Matrix Browser, Business Enterprise tab, select Elem Business Proc to Location or View, Matrix Browser, IDEF Matrices tab, select UOB to Location or View, Matrix Browser, Location tab).
See also
Generic enterprise architecture frameworks