Architecting and designing > SysML > Model Elements > Dependency Nodes > Abstraction Node
Abstraction Node
An Abstraction is a Dependency that relates two NamedElements or sets of NamedElements that represent the same concept at different levels of abstraction or from different viewpoints. The relationship may be defined as a mapping between the suppliers and the clients. Depending on the specific stereotype of Abstraction, the mapping may be formal or informal, and it may be unidirectional or bidirectional. Abstraction has predefined stereotypes (such as <<Derive>>, <<Refine>>, and <<Trace>>).
If an Abstraction has more than one client, the supplier maps into the set of clients as a group. For example, an analysis-level Class might be split into several design-level Classes. The situation is similar if there is more than one supplier.
How to model an Abstraction relationship
To model an Abstraction between two classifiers, you create an Abstraction Node, and connect the Classifiers to the Abstraction Node (see Dependency) through the Dependency to Client and Dependency to Supplier relationship.
See also
Dependency Node
Usage Node
Realization Node
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Dependency Nodes