Architecting and designing > SysML > Model Elements > InformationFlow Node
InformationFlow Node
Information flow is a directed relationship that specifies a channel for transmission of information from a source to a target.
Sources and targets of information flow must be of one of the following types: actor, use case, node, artifact, class, component, port, property, interface, package, activity node, activity partition, and instance specification.
An information flow is represented as a dashed line with an open arrow pointing from flow source(s) to target(s). Though this notation looks exactly as a dependency, it is not a dependency. To distinguish it, information flow should have the keyword «flow» above or below its dashed line.
You may draw an Information Flow on SysML dynamic diagrams, and visualize the Information Flow relationship line as a rectangular symbol on a SysML Block diagram.
Note In the initial release of SysML in System Architect 11.4.8, the InformationFlow Node may be modeled but not connected to other elements.
See also
Association Node
Connector Node
Data Types
Dependency Nodes
Structured Classifiers
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