Architecting and designing > UML 2.5 > Relationships > Association > Association Node to Class as Property
Association Node to Class as Property
The Association Node to Class as Property relationship allows you to create an association between two Classifiers or Model Elements through the Association or Association Class definition.
Steps to create an Association
For instructions on how to create an Association, see How to create an Association.
The Association Node to Class as Property relationship can be drawn like this:
Association or Association Class
Block, Model Element, or Classifier
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
When you connect the Association Node to Class as Property relationship from the Association Node to the Classifier, the rectangle representing the Association Node will disappear in System Architect’s SysML support (in UML, the Association Node remains as a triangle).
The name of the Association Node to Class as Property relationship becomes part of the classifier’s definition, in the A_type_typedElement property.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Association End to Stereotype as ExtensionEnd
Drawing an Association by Wizard Line
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