Architecting and designing > UML 2.5 > Relationships > Connector
A Connector specifies links that enable communication between two or more instances. This is in contrast to Associations, which specify that any instance of associated Classifiers can have a connection.
A Connector option exists on the Draw menu which supports drawing of a line in a single action, the action is described in Drawing an Association by Wizard Line.
To create a Connection relationship between two Properties, perform these steps:
1 Create a ConnectorNode.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Create a ConnectorProperty to Connector relationship between a Property and the ConnectorNode. When the relationship to the ConnectorNode symbol is created, the ConnectorNode symbol is turned invisible.
3 Create a Connector to ConnectableElement relationship line between the ConnectorNode and a Property. The definition of this line is a ConnectorEnd.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Connector to ConnectableElement
ConnectorProperty to Connector
See also
Collaboration Property to Part
Component Provides (Realizes) Interface
Component Requires (Uses) Interface
Port Provides (Realizes) Interface
Port Requires (Uses) Interface
Comment to AnnotatedElement
Constraint to ConstrainedElement
ElementGroup to Element
Instance Specification Relationships
Package Containment
Package Import
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