Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > Database menu > Attach database
Attach database
System Architect does not recognize encyclopedia databases unless they are attached to a server. And because System Architect cannot automatically attach existing databases for you, you need to attach each encyclopedia database that you need to work on. This does not apply to new encyclopedias you create, as these are automatically attached to your server. Combined with the Detach function, the Attach function also provides a means for you to transfer encyclopedias between servers.
You can attach one or more databases at a time. When you attach a single database, you can specify an “Attach As” database name, which can be different than the name of the database you are attaching.
You cannot attach a database that is being used, so make sure no one is using or connected to the database you intend to attach.
To attach an encyclopedia database
1 Login to the server that the database is on.
See Login to SQL Server.
2 Click Databases and select Attach.
3 In the .MDF file of database to attach field, enter path and .MDF file name, or click the browse (...) button to navigate to it. By default, .MDF files are saved in:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Data
Files that you attach must be local to the server onto which you are attaching.
4 In the ATTACH as field, enter a name for the database you want to attach. You cannot use duplicate database names on a server.
5 Click the Specify database owner drop-down and select and owner.
6 Click OK.
If the Attach Database process fails and you get a message stating that <Database Name> could not be found it could be that the file was removed or deleted from the server. It could also be that one or multiple files do not match the primary database file. You can correct the files and try again. Or if you are attempting to attach a database you know exists, it is possible the file is corrupt, in which case, you may chose to restore it from a backup.
See also
Database menu