Managing the repository > SA Encyclopedia Manager (SAEM) > SAEM menus > Tools menu > File manager
File manager
The File Manager dialog lets you manage non-encyclopedia files in the database. You can preview image files, and view all files in their associated Windows applications. You can also delete and import/export files.
When the encyclopedia is created all images are copied into the images directory. You can copy your own set of WMF and BMP files into images to include those as well. To copy images into existing encyclopedias, use the Import function. Images that you import need to be setup for depiction through the USRPROPS.TXT file.
The File Manager window contains the following functions which can be accessed through the menu bar. Additionally, the Import, Export, and View functions can be accessed by right clicking in the File Manager window.
Deletes the record for the file in the Files table. Does not delete files in folders. Do not delete files with the following extensions: *.DGX, *.CFG, *.BIN. They are required for encyclopedia integrity.
Exports files to selected folders. When you click on the select Export, a list of the last five files exported to, in chronological order is displayed. At the bottom of this list is a Browse for Files choice. Export uses the folder defaults as configured in the SAEM settings: see Settings.
Imports one or multiple files into the selected database. Each file imported gets a record in the Files table. When you click on the Import Icon, you are provided with a list of the last five files imported, in chronological order. At the bottom of this list is a Browse for Files choice.
Picture preview
Displays graphic file previews. For non-graphic files, displays the message Not a valid picture file. Note, file extension DGX is an internal diagram format. Picture Preview does not display DGX files, but does display WMF files, which are diagram thumbnails.
Reload the list of files in the Files table. You can also use F5 to refresh the list.
Opens files with their associated applications. By default, text files open with Notepad; bit maps with Paint. Although you can edit and save files that you view, files must be imported for updates to be recognized in the database.
See also
Tools menu