The Query command provides you with a window that gives you quick access to queries. You can show/hide the Query Pane window by selecting it from the Workspace menu. The Query Pane window is docked to the right side of SAEM. There are two sections for the Query Pane window:
My Queries
▪Define a Query: Lists any query shortcuts that have been defined in the Settings dialog. When you click on the query name it will automatically run. You must be connected to a server in order to run the queries.
▪New Query: Create a new query.
Other Queries
▪Database size: Displays the size, owner, and creation date of each database on the server.
▪Database backups: Displays the last backup date for each database on the server.
▪System Architect activity: Displays current System Architect activity on the server.
▪Last updated: Displays the time each System Architect encyclopedia was last updated.