Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Getting started > Initializing System Architect Catalog Manager
Initializing System Architect Catalog Manager
When you start System Architect Catalog Manager (SACM), the Login to Catalog Manager dialog is shown, where you can select a server type, server name, and your login options and credentials. If a catalog exists on the server and you have the required information, you can login to the catalog.
The Windows integrated security option uses the credentials that you use to login to the Windows operating system. The User name and password option is to enter the credentials that are required by your server. Some servers require that you provide a user name and password in addition to your Windows user name and password.
However, if there is no catalog on the server yet, you can press the Cancel and proceed to create a catalog. A second dialog is shown informing you that there is no catalog on the server type that you have permission to access. After you click OK to close that dialog, the SACM window is shown.
You can click the text in the left pane to Connect to a catalog, Create a catalog, or Destroy a catalog For instructions on using these catalog commands, click the following links:
Connecting to catalogs. Use this option to connect to existing catalogs.
See Connecting to catalogs.
Create a catalog. Use this option if there is no catalog on the server. In subsequent SACM sessions, you can connect to the catalog you created from the initial Login to Catalog Manager dialog.
See Create a catalog.
Destroy a catalog. Use this option with caution; it asks you to confirm whether you are sure that you want to destroy the catalog you select.
See Destroy a catalog.
See also
Getting started