Setting access control > System Architect Catalog Manager > Getting started > The System Architect Catalog Manager window
The System Architect Catalog Manager window
The System Architect Catalog Manager interface looks and works like Windows Explorer. In the Navigation tree (left), you can expand or collapse nodes by clicking on the + or - signs. The List view (right pane) contains the objects and properties that correspond to the node you select in the navigation tree. You can drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste to relate objects from the List view to objects on the navigation tree, and vice versa.
A sample SACM window is shown here:
SACM window components
Current Catalog (Type, Server) and Go: Click the list to select a catalog and click Go to open that catalog.
See also What is an enterprise catalog?.
Permission Mapping: For each encyclopedia, you can display default diagram and definition names (the <Default> option), or display default and custom names (<EncyclopediaName>). Users can rename encyclopedia objects, or create custom objects. These objects are displayed in the List view when you select the encyclopedia in which they were modified or created.
See also Permission mapping.
Navigation tree and List views: You can create, drag, or copy and paste objects from the navigation tree to the List view, or vice versa.
Status bar: Provides information about the status of SACM operations, and contains a Cancel command during applicable operations.
See also
Getting started