Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Template structure : Modules in the IT portfolio management workspace
Modules in the IT portfolio management workspace
The IT portfolio management workspace contains predefined modules. To view the modules, click Configure > Modules. You can add a module in the workspace and add attributes to the module. When you add a module, create the required views and assign them to the appropriate roles. You can also delete any modules or attributes in the modules. When you delete a module or attributes in the module, be sure to handle any dependencies.Each view that is based on a module has an icon. You can use the icons to find the views, and sort the views by modules. To sort the views, click Preferences > Miscellaneous Settings. Under the View Sort field, click By Attribute and select View definition.When you add attributes to an existing module, remember these guidelines:
Include the new attribute in the correct view: not visible, visible, or editable. To view any similar attributes and the views in which they are included and copy those attributes, click Configure > Attributes > [select module], and then click the Set access for [Attribute Name] in views icon.
If you add attributes in the Projects module, consider the workflow definition. After you create the attribute, click Configure > Workflow > [Module] and update the settings for the states and the transitions.
The IT portfolio management workspace contains these modules:
This module includes groups of projects. It contains project aggregates and an overview of the portfolio.
This module is the central entity in the workspace, and includes all the projects. The Projects module provides workflow support.
This module includes internal and external IT applications. Think of the applications as products for which you raise business needs. The information in this module can be analyzed for business value, strategic alignment, gap analysis, and value realization.
Business Units
This module includes the business units in the organization.
This module includes risks for the portfolio, projects, and application.
Business Needs
This module defines the scope for the projects. You can publish the business needs to the Requirements Management application and Change and Configuration Management application of IBM Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management.
Resource Pools
This module captures the monthly resource supply. You can compare the supply with the total number of allocated resources per month.
This module defines the monthly allocated resources for a particular project.
This module contains the resource profile rates.
This supporting module contains the strategic objectives. It contains the criteria for prioritizing applications and projects.
This module includes the images that are in the workspace.
Use cases
This module contains brief descriptions of the use cases in the workspace and of the views. In this module, you can filter the roles to see the use cases for your role.
This module contains documentation about the attributes in the workspace that have dependencies on other attributes, criteria, or views.
Attribute groups
This module contains documentation about the groups of attributes and their dependencies.
See also
Additional modules
Template structure