Extending product function : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace : Setting up the IT portfolio management workspace template : Updating workspace data : Updating resource costs
Updating resource costs
The IT portfolio management workspace contains resource costs. You can update these costs to meet your requirements.
1 Before you begin, update your resource profiles and resource rates. For more information, see Updating resource profiles and Updating resource rates.
2 Click Configure > Attributes > Allocations > Resource Cost. The default value is as follows:
='Allocated Developers' * 'Rates!Developer!Resource Rate' + 'Allocated Testers' * 'Rates!Tester!Resource Rate' + 'Allocated Project Managers' * 'Rates!Project Manager!Resource Rate' + 'Allocated Technical Writers' * 'Rates!Technical Writer!Resource Rate' + 'Allocated Designers' * 'Rates!Designer!Resource Rate'
3 Update the calculation to reflect the changes that you made to the resource profiles and resource rates. For each resource profile, multiply the allocated resources by the rate:
'Allocated Developers' x 'Rates!Developer!Resource Rate'
In this example, ‘Allocated Developers' refers to the name of the attribute in the Hidden Attributes section of the Allocations modules where you calculate the sum of the allocated resources. ‘Rates!Developer!Resource Rate' refers to the rate for the corresponding resource profile in the Rates module.
4 Update the resource name only. For example,
'Rates!Documentation!Resource Rate'
Updating workspace data