Extending product function : Setting up the product management workspace : Setting up the product management template : Configuring the product management workspace : Updating workspace data
Updating workspace data
The product management workspace includes several example markets and checkpoints that you can customize.
Updating markets
Updating stakeholders criteria
Updating qualities
Updating checkpoints
Updating images
Updating business needs
Updating markets
You can customize the data about generic markets that is in the product management template.
1 Click Modules > Criteria.
2 Open the Markets folder. The folders for geographical markets and industry markets are displayed.
3 Update the names of the markets. You can also add or delete markets.
4 Open the Business Needs Criteria folder and update the markets.
5 Open the Product Management Criteria folder and update the markets.
6 Open the All Business Needs folder and update the markets.
Updating stakeholders criteria
You can customize the generic stakeholders criteria that is in the template.
1 Click Modules > Criteria.
2 Open the Business Needs Criteria folder and update the criteria titles to the names of the external stakeholders and prioritize their business needs.
3 Open the Stakeholder Criteria folder and update the criteria titles.
4 Update the Owner attribute to the external stakeholder chosen in the title for the criteria.
Updating qualities
Qualities are used with the Prioritize and Visualize features. For example, you can use qualities to prioritize different products. You can customize the generic qualities that are in the template.
1 Click Modules > Criteria.
2 Open the Qualities folder.
3 Update the names of the qualities. You can also add or delete qualities.
Updating checkpoints
You use checkpoints to review elements. You can customize the generic checkpoints that are in the template.
1 Click Modules > Criteria.
2 Update the names of the checkpoints. You can also add or delete checkpoints.
Updating images
You can customize the generic images that are in the product management template.
1 Click Modules > Images, and then click the Process element.
2 Double-click the row under the Process element and browse to find the image file to add. This image will be displayed on the home page of all internal users.
3 Click the IBM element, and then replace the name and image with that of your company.
4 Click Configure > Views.
5 Open the Images folder, and then select the IBM logo view.
6 Update the title of the view to your company name.
7 Edit the View Definition attribute and update the view rule to:
contains [your company name]
Updating business needs
You can customize the generic business needs that are in the product management template.
1 Click Modules > Business Needs.
2 Change the names of the folders to the names of your categories. You can also add or delete categories.
Configuring the product management workspace