Extending product function : Setting up the product portfolio management workspace : Deploying product portfolio management workspace template : Preparing to use the portfolio management workspace : Updating workspace data
Updating workspace data
The product portfolio management workspace includes references for sample markets and checkpoints that you can customize according to your environment.
Updating markets
Updating strategic objectives
Updating checkpoints
Updating images
Updating time of availability
Updating market sizes
Updating markets
You can update the data about markets that is in the product portfolio management workspace. You might update this information if you do not want to use geographic segmentation.
1 Click Modules > Criteria > Markets > Geographic Markets.
2 Update the names of the markets to reflect the required markets. You can also add or delete markets.
Updating strategic objectives
1 Click Modules > Criteria > Strategic Objectives.
2 Update the title of the strategic objectives to reflect the required strategic objectives.
Updating qualities
Qualities are used with the Prioritize and Visualize features for business needs. For example, you can prioritize products according to qualities. You can customize the qualities that are provided in the product portfolio management template.
1 Click Modules > Criteria > Qualities.
2 Update the names of the qualities to reflect the markets that are required. You can also add or delete qualities.
Updating checkpoints
In reviews, checkpoints are what business needs and releases are measured against. You can update the checkpoints in the product portfolio management workspace to fit your environment.
1 Click Modules > Checkpoints.
The Releases and Business Needs folders are displayed.
2 Update the names of the checkpoints to reflect the required checkpoints. You can also add or delete checkpoints.
Updating images
1 Click Modules > Images.
2 Click the Process element.
3 Double-click the row below Process, and then browse to the file that contains the process image to use. This image will be displayed on the home page for all users.
4 Click the IBM element.
5 Double-click the row under ID, and then update the company name to the name of your company.
6 Double-click the row with the IBM logo and browse to the file that contains your logo.
7 Click Configure > Views > Images > IBM Logo.
8 Update the title of the view to your company name.
9 Edit the View Definition attribute and update the rule to contain the name that you entered in step 5.
Updating time of availability
Time of availability indicates the best time for the idea to be delivered in the market. An administrator must update the time of availability regularly.
1 Click Configure > Ideas > Time of Availability > Click here to add and edit choice items.
A list of quarters for each year is displayed.
2 Open the link and update the names of the time units.
Updating market sizes
1 Click Modules > Market Sizes.
2 Update the elements:
Select Geographic Market.
Select Portfolio.
In the Total Market Size ($k) field, enter the total market size for the portfolio for a geographic market. Make sure that the title reflects both geographic market and portfolio. For example, “Microwave Oven in South America” or “Refrigerator in Asia.”
Click Configure > Modules > Market Sizes.
Preparing to use the portfolio management workspace