Integrating : Integrating with Focal Point® by using REST RDF APIs : Configuring the vocabulary for user-defined resource types, attributes and choice items
Configuring the vocabulary for user-defined resource types, attributes and choice items
To use a vocabulary of your choice, you can configure the vocabulary that is generated automatically by Focal Point® for modules, attributes, and choice items.
About this task
By default, Focal Point® resources are mapped to vocabularies. Some of the resources that are mapped to standard vocabulary or to theFocal Point® defined vocabulary are not configurable. However, you can configure the auto generated vocabulary mapping.
To configure the vocabulary for a module
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Module.
2 Type your URI in Class URI, and then click OK.
To configure the vocabulary for an attribute
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes. Select the module that has the attributes URI to change.
2 Type your URI in Property URI, and then click OK.
To configure the vocabularies for the choice items
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon and then, from the Configure group, click Attributes. Select the module that has the attributes URI to change.
2 Click the attribute that has items such as Choice and MultiChoice attributes and Click here to add or edit choice items.
3 Click the item; type your URI in Value URI; and then click OK.
What to do next
After configuring the vocabularies, when you view the RDF data by using http://<hostname>:<portnumber>/fp/resources/.rdf, you might notice that some of the vocabulary terms have the j.0 prefix. To edit this default prefix, see Defining the prefixes for RDF.
See also
Overview of the REST RDF API defined resources in Focal Point®
Vocabulary approach
Content negotiation
REST RDF API capabilities supported by Focal Point®
Defining the prefixes for RDF
REST RDF API reference
Integrating with Focal Point® by using REST RDF APIs