Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Adding elements
Adding elements
You add elements to a module, and ensure that all elements can be uniquely identified.
About this task
When creating a module, it is a good practice to make sure that all the module elements can be uniquely identified. For example, by using an ID prefix. Doing so helps to avoid undesirable results when you import elements to a module that has a link or linklist attribute that is linked to module that has elements with the same name.
Consider the scenario where you are importing elements to Module A, which has a link attribute that is linked to Module B which has multiple elements with the same title. The elements are imported to Module A with the link attribute linked to the element in Module B. Because Module B has multiple elements with the same title, the link attribute is linked to the first matched element from the query result, which might give unexpected results.
1 Click the Settings icon Settings icon, and then, from the Configure group, click Module. Select the module to add the element to.
2 Click Add.
A new element page is displayed.
3 Specify the attribute values.
Make sure that all the module elements can be uniquely identified, for example, by using an ID prefix.
4 Click OK. The element is added to the structure.
See also
View attributes
Managing elements