Managing products and portfolios : Configuring views : View attributes
View attributes
All of the views in your view list are listed in the menu bar, in the Add, Display, Prioritize, or Visualize menus.
You can group the views listed in the Add, Display, Prioritize, or Visualize menus. Select Configure > Workspace and specify the View Grouping to group the views either by the modules that they are based on, or by any choice attribute in the view module.
To group by a choice attribute when the view module does not have any choice attributes, select the view module from Configure > Attribute page, and add the required Choice attribute. The views in the menu are grouped according to the choice items that you add for the new choice attribute.
An identifier for the view.
Tile of the view.
Description of the view.
View Definition
A filter with which you can select a subset of the elements in a module. The view definition displays the logical expression that filters the information.
A mandatory attribute that determines whether the view is displayed in the Add menu. When you click a view in the Add menu, the folders that are included in the view are listed in the Parent Folder attribute. The non-folder elements that are included in the view are ignored.
These view definitions are typical for a view in the Add menu:
If the "type is folder" value is true, members can add elements to any folder in the module.
If the "type is folder" value is true and the value for the title is Inbox, members can add elements to the Inbox folder.
For the view to work properly, the view definition must include a folder.
If an Add view has a description, that description is at the top of the Add form when you add an element. You can use the normal formatting tags.
If you create an Add view that is based on members or the baselines module, the views are not displayed in the Add menu.
An administrator can add members in the Members menu.
If you include the rule OR Creator is Current User, non‑administrators in the workspace can see the added element with the same attributes that are visible and editable, as defined in the view attribute access list. Otherwise, non-administrators can see the added element only by using the access list of another view, if available.
To provide users with details about a view, type a description for the view. For example, you might provide information in the description to help users specify values correctly. The description is displayed at the top of the view.
You can specify default values for certain attributes in an Add view when you define the access level for the attributes. To set a default value for an attribute, click the Edit icon for the attribute.
A mandatory attribute that determines whether the view is displayed in the Display menu. These view definitions are typical for a view in the Display menu:
If "type is folder" is false, members can display all the elements in the module.
If "type is folder" is false AND the "status" is New, members can display all elements that have the New status.
If "type is folder" is false AND the "owner" is set to Current user, members can display all elements if the owner is set to the user who is currently logged in.
Folders are displayed to maintain the structural information, but folders cannot be selected or edited.
A mandatory attribute that determines whether the view is displayed in the Prioritize menu. These view definitions are typical for a view in the Prioritize menu:
If "type is folder" is false, members can prioritize all the elements in the module.
If "type is folder" is false AND the "status" is Accepted, members can prioritize all the elements that have the Accepted status.
You must edit the Criteria attribute to define the criteria by which members can prioritize elements. By default, all criteria are selected.
A mandatory attribute that determines whether the view is displayed in the Visualize menu. These view definitions are typical for a view in the Visualize menu:
If "type is folder" is false, members can visualize all the elements in the module.
If "type is folder" is false AND the "status" is Accepted, members can visualize all the elements that have the Accepted status.
You must edit the Criteria attribute to define the criteria by which members can visualize the elements. All criteria are selected by default. No folders can be visualized.
A mandatory attribute that is used to represent a view that exposes the maximum information that can be shared from a module.
Different maximal views from each module can be created and shared across different users based on their role. For a normal user, the access to a module (when a view reference is not provided) is through the first available maximal view from that module.
In the case of advanced search, the whole workspace search is done by using the maximal views that the normal user has access to. Also, if the setting "Use only maximal views for searching" under Configure > Workspace is enabled, then only the maximal views are available to select as the view scope.
Administrators can create special views, knows as subscription views and share them with other users. A user can subscribe to individual elements for changes through the first subscription view (from every module) they have access to. Once an element is subscribed, the user will receive notification alerts for all attributes that log changes on this view, as long as they retain access to that element using the first subscription view from that module.
An attribute to specify the criteria to use in the Prioritize and Visualize menus if you prioritize or visualize elements in this view.The attribute can have these values:
Specific Criterion: Only the specified criterion is displayed.
Criteria View: The criteria in the specified view are displayed.
All Criteria: All the criteria are displayed.
If the view contains criteria, only the Specific Criterion option is available.
Access information
The Access Information for a view is updated on accessing the view from the Display menu.
First Access
The date on which the view was first accessed.
First Accessed By
The user who first accessed this view.
Number of Accesses
The total number of times that the view was accessed from Display > View name menu.
Last Access
The date on which the view was most recently accessed.
Last Accessed By
The user who most recently accessed this view.
Toolbar Setup
Toolbar icons to select for Display, Prioritize, and Visualize view, for example, Tree, Table, and Gantt Chart. If you remove the Filter icon for a view, users cannot create or edit filters, but can activate or deactivate any existing filters.
Element information
The user who owns this view.
The user who created this view.
Created Date
The date when this view was created.
Last Changed By
The user who changed this view the most recently.
Last Changed Date
The date when this view was most recently changed.
Parent Folder
The folder in which this view is placed.
See also
Adding elements
Defining the default display format
Configuring views