Managing products and portfolios : Managing elements : Adding elements by copying elements
Adding elements by copying elements
You can add an element by copying an element that has the attribute values that you want for the new element.
Before you begin
You must have add access to a view that targets the same module as the view that you are currently using.
You must have access to the Add view for the same type of elements that you want to copy.
About this task
To copy an element by using the copy, paste, and set up links, you must be an administrator. The newly created element is copied in the tree view. Except for the unique ID, all of the attributes are identical to the original element.
1 In the tree, mark the element to copy.
2 Right-click Create Element From.
An add form is displayed. All of the attributes that you can access and that are visible in the Add view contain default values. All of the other attributes in the Add form are either empty or contain their defined default value.
You cannot copy the text list attribute when using Create Element From option.
3 For the remaining attributes, enter values.
4 Click OK.
The copy is saved.
See also
Tree menu options
Managing elements